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Task created


This event is triggered whenever a manual task for a prospect is created.


"method": "task_created",
"prospect": {
"id": 1234567890,
"email": "",
"first_name": "Erlich",
"last_name": "Bachman",
"company": "Bachmanity",
"website": "",
"linkedin_url": "",
"tags": "#VISIONARY",
"title": "CEO",
"phone": "+1 987-654-321",
"address": "700 Welch Road",
"city": "Palo Alto",
"country": "United States",
"snippet1": "You are running a successful startup incubator Bachmanity",
"snippet2": "",
"snippet3": "",
"snippet4": "",
"snippet5": "",
"snippet6": "",
"snippet7": "",
"snippet8": "",
"snippet9": "",
"snippet10": "",
"snippet11": "",
"snippet12": "",
"snippet13": "",
"snippet14": "",
"snippet15": "",
"snippet_labels": {
"my snippet label": "You are running a successful startup incubator Bachmanity"
"industry": "IT",
"state": "California",
"last_contacted": "2025-01-11T12:18:54+0100",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"in_campaign": 2,
"emails_sent": 3,
"imported": "saasinamerica.csv",
"interested": "",
"campaign_id": "",
"campaign_name": "",
"campaign_email": "",
"campaign_emails": "",
"campaign_email_sent": 0,
"step": 1
"campaign": {
"campaign_id": 11223344,
"campaign_name": "SaaS in America",
"sent_from": "",
"sent_from_emails": [
"task": {
"type": "LINKEDIN",
"name": "Send connection request",
"message": "Hi Erlich, I'd like to join your connection network.",
"due_date": "2025-03-24T15:47:47+0100"
"timestamp": "2025-03-21T15:47:47+0100",
"firm_id": 456789

Fields that do not have a value are returned as an empty string or null.

campaign.sent_from field is available only if the campaign has at least one email step.

Body schema

[].methodobjectWebhook event type
[].prospectobjectContains prospect data
  └─ idintegerUnique identifier of a prospect
  └─ emailstringProspect's email address
  └─ first_namestringProspect's first name
  └─ last_namestringProspect's last name
  └─ companystringProspect's company name
  └─ websitestringProspect's website URL
  └─ linkedin_urlstringProspect's LinkedIn profile URL
  └─ tagsstringTags associated with the prospect. Tags start with a # and are separated with a space
  └─ titlestringProspect's job title
  └─ phonestringProspect's phone number
  └─ addressstringProspect's address
  └─ citystringProspect's city
  └─ countrystringProspect's country
  └─ snippetstringProspect custom snippets. There are 15 snippet fields (snippet1 to snippet15)
  └─ snippet_labelsobjectCustom snippet labels
  └─└─ label_namestringKey - value pairs representing a snippet label and its value
  └─ industrystringProspect's industry
  └─ statestringProspect's state or region
  └─ last_contactedstringDate when the prospect was last contacted (ISO 8601 format)
  └─ statusstringProspect's status
  └─ in_campaignintegerTotal number of campaigns the prospect is enrolled in
  └─ emails_sentintegerTotal number of emails sent to the prospect from all campaigns
  └─ importedstringName of a file prospect was imported from
  └─ interestedstringProspect's Interest Level status. Available levels: INTERESTED, MAYBE_LATER, NOT_INTERESTED or ""
  └─ campaign_idstringEmpty string. Please refer to the campaign object instead
  └─ campaign_namestringEmpty string. Please refer to the campaign object instead
  └─ campaign_emailstringEmpty string. Please refer to the campaign object instead
  └─ campaign_emailsstringEmpty string. Please refer to the campaign object instead
  └─ campaign_email_sentinteger/nullNumber of emails sent from the specific campaign the webhook comes from
  └─ stepintegerProspect's current step in campaign
[].campaignobjectContains campaign data
  └─ campaign_idintegerUnique identifier of the campaign
  └─ campaign_namestringName of the campaign
  └─ sent_fromstringOne of the campaign sending email addresses. If multiple are used, refer to sent_from_emails instead. The field is available only if the campaign has at least one email step
  └─ sent_from_emailsarray[string]List of campaign sending email addresses
[].taskobjectContains task data
  └─ typestringTask type. Available types: GENERIC, CALL, SMS, LINKEDIN
  └─ namestringTask name
  └─ messagestringTask message or description
  └─ due_datestringTask due date in (ISO 8601 format)
[].timestampstringTimestamp of triggering the webhook (ISO 8601 format)
[].firm_idstringID of your Woodpecker account