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Add prospects to database


This is a v1 legacy endpoint. It uses a different path /rest/v1 and may return different error codes and response formats compared to v2. While it remains functional, consider handling errors accordingly.

This endpoint allows you to add one or multiple prospects to your global prospect list in a single request. Prospects will not be enrolled in any campaign but will be available in your account for further actions.

If a prospect already exists, their data will remain unchanged. To update prospect data, see this guide.





x-api-key: {YOUR_API_KEY}
Content-type: application/json

For details on how to authenticate your requests, please see the authentication guide.


The example below shows all available fields. The prospects[].email field is required, while all other fields are optional. If omitted, they will remain blank.


You can add up to 20 000 prospects per request

"file_name": "API import YYYY-MM-DD",
"prospects": [
"email": "",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"first_name": "Erlich",
"last_name": "Bachman",
"company": "Bachmanity",
"website": "",
"linkedin_url": "",
"tags": "#VC",
"title": "VC Angel",
"phone": "111222333",
"address": "221 Newell Rd",
"city": "Palo Alto",
"state": "California",
"country": "USA",
"industry": "Software as a Service",
"snippet1": "Pied Piper board member",
"snippet2": "A personalized sentence <br/> in two lines",
"snippet3": "string",
"snippet4": "string",
"snippet5": "string",
"snippet6": "string",
"snippet7": "string",
"snippet8": "string",
"snippet9": "string",
"snippet10": "string",
"snippet11": "string",
"snippet12": "string",
"snippet13": "string",
"snippet14": "string",
"snippet15": "string"

Body schema

[].prospectsobjectYesContains prospect data, there can be multiple prospects
  └─ emailstringYesProspect's email address
  └─ statusstringNoProspect's status. By default the status is set to ACTIVE. Other available: BLACKLIST, BOUNCED, INVALID, REPLIED
  └─ first_namestringNoProspect's first name
  └─ last_namestringNoProspect's last name
  └─ companystringNoProspect's company name
  └─ websitestringNoProspect's website URL
  └─ linkedin_urlstringNoProspect's LinkedIn profile URL
  └─ tagsstringNoTags associated with the prospect. Tags start with a # and are separated with a space
  └─ titlestringNoProspect's job title
  └─ phonestringNoProspect's phone number
  └─ addressstringNoProspect's address
  └─ citystringNoProspect's city
  └─ countrystringNoProspect's country
  └─ snippetstringNoProspect custom snippets. There are 15 snippet fields (snippet1 to snippet15)
  └─ industrystringNoProspect's industry
  └─ statestringNoProspect's state or region
file_namestringNoName of the import batch, visible in the imported column

Request sample

Add prospects

The example below showcases how to add multiple prospects only with selected snippets.

curl --request POST \
--url "" \
--header "x-api-key: {YOUR_API_KEY}" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"prospects": [
"email": "",
"first_name": "Jared",
"last_name": "Dunn",
"company": "Pied Piper",
"snippet1": "Custom snippet value"
"email": "",
"first_name": "Erlich",
"last_name": "Bachman",
"company": "Aviato",
"snippet1": "Custom snippet value"


Response examples

All prospects have been added to the prospect list.

"prospects": [
"email": "",
"id": 1091123456
"email": "",
"id": 1091123457
"status": {
"status": "OK",
"code": "OK",
"msg": "OK"

Body schema

FieldData TypeDescription
prospectsarray[object]An array of prospects added to the prospect list
  └─[].emailstringProspect's email
  └─[].idintegerUnique ID assigned to the prospect
statusobjectObject containing the status details of the request
  └─statusstringGeneral status message
  └─codestringCode indicating the error category
  └─msgstringError message