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Get prospect responses

Retrieve a list of responses from a specified prospect. You can get a list of all responses or filter them by campaign.





x-api-key: {YOUR_API_KEY}

For details on how to authenticate your requests, please see the authentication guide.


campaign_idNoOne or more campaign IDs separated by commas. Used to filter results by specific campaigns.

Request sample

Retrieve all responses from a specified prospect

curl --request GET \
--url "{prospect_id}/responses" \
--header "x-api-key: {YOUR_API_KEY}"


Response examples

A list of responses from a specified prospect sorted by delivered ascending. If the prospect exists in your database but has not replied to an email, or if their response was deleted, the responses[] array will be empty

"prospect_id": 123456789,
"email": "",
"responses": [
"response_id": 147258369,
"campaign_id": 17654321,
"step": 2,
"campaign_email_sent": 2,
"subject": "Re: What about Pied Piper?",
"message": "<div>This is a reply in HTML format.</div>",
"delivered": "2024-11-09T14:29:06",
"secondary_prospect_email": ""
"response_id": 258369147,
"campaign_id": 1957395,
"step": 1,
"campaign_email_sent": 1,
"subject": "Re: Did you hear about world's best startup, Aviato?",
"message": "<div>Yes and I would like to hear more!</div>",
"delivered": "2024-12-03T07:29:06",
"secondary_prospect_email": null

Response body schema

prospect_idintegerUnique ID of the prospect
emailstringEmail address of the prospect
responsesarrayArray of email responses from the prospect
└─ response_idintegerUnique ID of the response
└─ campaign_idintegerID of the campaign associated a response
└─ stepintegerCampaign step number that triggered the response
└─ campaign_email_sentintegerNumber of campaign emails sent before this response
└─ subjectstringSubject line of the response
└─ messagestringBody of the response email in HTML format
└─ delivereddatetimeTimestamp when the response was received. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS Europe/Warsaw time
└─ secondary_prospect_emailstring / nullEmail address of the respondent if the response came from a different email address than the prospect's