Delete prospects
This is a v1 legacy endpoint. It uses a different path /rest/v1
and may return different error codes and response formats compared to v2. While it remains functional, consider handling errors accordingly.
Delete prospects from your account, either globally (from the global prospect list) or locally (from specific campaigns). A prospect can exist in multiple campaigns but is always part of the global list. Deleting a prospect globally also removes them from any associated campaigns, while removing them from specific campaigns does not affect their presence in the global database.
The maximum length of the request URL is 4100 characters, approximately 360 prospects.
x-api-key: {YOUR_API_KEY}
For details on how to authenticate your requests, please see the authentication guide.
The endpoint requires the id
parameter to specify which prospects to delete. The optional campaigns_id
parameter allows targeting specific campaigns instead of deleting prospects globally.
Parameter | Required | Description |
id | Yes | Comma-separated list of prospect IDs to delete |
campaigns_id | No | Comma-separated list of campaigns from which the specified prospects should be removed. |
Request sample
Delete two prospects globally
- cURL
- Java
- Node.js
curl --request DELETE \
--url "{prospect_id1},{prospect_id2}" \
--header "x-api-key: {YOUR_API_KEY}"
public class WoodpeckerApiClient {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
String apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";
String url = "{prospect_id1},{prospect_id2}";
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(url).openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("x-api-key", apiKey);
int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
System.out.println("Response Code: " + responseCode);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
const axios = require("axios");
const BASE_URL = "";
async function deleteProspects(prospectIds) {
if (!prospectIds || prospectIds.length === 0) {
throw new Error("Prospect IDs list cannot be empty.");
const url = `${BASE_URL}?id=${prospectIds.join(",")}`;
try {
const response = await axios.delete(url, {
headers: { "x-api-key": API_KEY },
console.log("Prospects deleted successfully:", response.status);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error deleting prospects:", error.response ? : error.message);
const prospectIds = ["prospect_id1", "prospect_id2"];
Response examples
- 200
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 409
- 500
Request processed successfully. If the specified prospects existed globally or in the given campaigns, they were removed.
Status: 200
Body: None
An issue with authorization. Please review the authorization guide
"status": {
"status": "ERROR",
"code": "E_SESSION",
"msg": "The API key you've entered is incorrect or no longer valid. Check if you pasted the key correctly. You can generate a new key in Woodpecker: Settings -> API Keys."
Body schema
Field | Data Type | Description |
status | object | Contains error details |
└─status | string | Overall status, set to ERROR for non-2xx responses |
└─code | string | Code indicating the error category |
└─msg | string | Descriptive error message |
API access denied. You subscription might not be active, lack the API add-on, or the key belongs to an inactive client company.
"status": {
"status": "ERROR",
"code": "E_NO_PERMISSION",
"msg": "Api access denied." | "You need to have an API keys addon to access our API."
Body schema
Field | Data Type | Description |
status | object | Contains error details |
└─status | string | Overall status, set to ERROR for non-2xx responses |
└─code | string | Code indicating the error category |
└─msg | string | Descriptive error message |
Please review the request URL
"status": {
"status": "ERROR",
"code": "E_URL_NOT_FOUND",
"msg": "URL not found: /Woodpecker/rest/v1/webhooks/someMadeUpURL"
Body schema
Field | Data Type | Description |
status | object | Contains error details |
└─status | string | Overall status, set to ERROR for non-2xx responses |
└─code | string | Code indicating the error category |
└─msg | string | Descriptive error message |
Please review the rate limits. API v1 is subject to the same rate limits as v2, however the response code is 409
instead of 429
"status": {
"status": "ERROR",
"msg": "Too many requests in one time"
Body schema
Field | Data Type | Description |
status | object | Contains error details |
└─status | string | Overall status, set to ERROR for non-2xx responses |
└─code | string | Code indicating the error category |
└─msg | string | Descriptive error message |
An unknown error. Please review the request parameters and try again later.
"status": {
"status": "ERROR",
"code": "E_UNNOWN",
"msg": "Unknown error."
Body schema
Field | Data Type | Description |
status | object | Contains error details |
└─status | string | Overall status, set to ERROR for non-2xx responses |
└─code | string | Code indicating the error category |
└─msg | string | Descriptive error message |