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Delete prospects


This is a v1 legacy endpoint. It uses a different path /rest/v1 and may return different error codes and response formats compared to v2. While it remains functional, consider handling errors accordingly.

Delete prospects from your account, either globally (from the global prospect list) or locally (from specific campaigns). A prospect can exist in multiple campaigns but is always part of the global list. Deleting a prospect globally also removes them from any associated campaigns, while removing them from specific campaigns does not affect their presence in the global database.

The maximum length of the request URL is 4100 characters, approximately 360 prospects.





x-api-key: {YOUR_API_KEY}

For details on how to authenticate your requests, please see the authentication guide.


The endpoint requires the id parameter to specify which prospects to delete. The optional campaigns_id parameter allows targeting specific campaigns instead of deleting prospects globally.

idYesComma-separated list of prospect IDs to delete
campaigns_idNoComma-separated list of campaigns from which the specified prospects should be removed.

Request sample

Delete two prospects globally

curl --request DELETE \
--url "{prospect_id1},{prospect_id2}" \
--header "x-api-key: {YOUR_API_KEY}"


Response examples

Request processed successfully. If the specified prospects existed globally or in the given campaigns, they were removed.

Status: 200
Body: None