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The /prospects endpoints allows you to manage the prospects stored in your database. You can fetch, add, and update prospects. Each prospect has a global status as well as a campaign-specific status. Since a prospect can be enrolled in multiple campaigns, their interest level is assigned per campaign.

You can:

  • retrieve prospect responses here
  • retrieve prospects stored in your account here
  • retrieve prospects in campaigns here
  • search for prospects here
  • add or update prospects in global prospect list here
  • add or update prospects in a campaign here

Error codes

The v1/prospects endpoints use an older version of the API, and their error responses differ from those of other endpoints. Each v1 endpoint includes its own error descriptions, but for reference, the table below lists the error codes returned by the v1 API in status.code property.

Error CodeError Description
E_DUPLICATEDuplicate. The prospect has been added to your prospect base before
E_EMAILInvalid email format
E_EMAIL_NOT_EXISTSLooks like this email doesn't exist.
E_INV_STATUSYour prospect's status is other than ACTIVE. Refer to force method
E_RECORD_NOT_FOUNDThe resource cannot be found
E_REQUIRED_ELEMENTMissing prospects object
E_SESSIONAn issue with authorization. Please review the authorization guide
E_TOO_MANY_REQUESTSToo many simultaneous requests. Refer to rate limits
E_URL_NOT_FOUNDInvalid URL. Please review the request URL
E_WRONG_PARAMInvalid parameter / Invalid target_url