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Get a mailbox

Retrieve a configuration of a specific email account connected to your account. Each object contains details of a specific SMTP or IMAP and information about the connection settings, sending limits, warm-up status and freeze dates, etc.

You can also retrieve a list of all mailboxes under your account using the /mailboxes endpoint.





x-api-key: {YOUR_API_KEY}

For details on how to authenticate your requests, please see the authentication guide.

Request sample

Retrieve a mailbox

curl --request GET \
--url "{id}" \
--header "x-api-key: {YOUR_API_KEY}"


Response examples

Successful response. Each response provides details for either SMTP or IMAP. Although both types share the same fields, the SMTP response includes additional information. The example below illustrates a response for SMTP along with its corresponding IMAP, and it includes a breakdown of the body schemas for both types.

"id": 456789,
"type": "SMTP",
"details": {
"email": "",
"provider": "CUSTOM",
"login": "",
"server": "",
"port": 587,
"from_name": "Jared from Pied Piper",
"error": null,
"daily_limit": 100,
"sent_today": 0,
"frequency_from": 300000,
"frequency_to": 600000,
"bcc_crm": "",
"signature": "<div>Jered Dunn</div><div>Pied Pieper</div>",
"open_url": "",
"click_url": "",
"unsubscribe_url": "",
"freeze_account": [],
"in_slot": true,
"warmup_data": {
"status": "RUNNING"
"imap_id": 456790

Body schema

idintegerUnique identifier of an SMTP configuration
typestringConfiguration type: SMTP or IMAP
└─detailsobjectObject containing all mailbox details
└─details.emailstringEmail address
└─details.providerstringEmail provider of the mailbox
└─details.loginstringEmail login
└─details.serverstringSMTP server
└─details.portinteger/nullSMTP port. Optional field, can be null
└─details.from_namestringDisplay name for SMTP sender
└─details.errorstring/nullError message if one occurs
└─details.daily_limitintegerMaximum daily email sending limit
└─details.sent_todayintegerEmails sent in the last 24 hours
└─details.frequency_fromintegerMinimum delay between sending messages (ms)
└─details.frequency_tointegerMaximum delay between sending messages (ms)
└─details.bcc_crmstringBCC email for CRM integration
└─details.signaturestringHTML email signature
└─details.open_urlstringTracking domain for email opens
└─details.click_urlstringTracking domain for link clicks
└─details.unsubscribe_urlstringTracking domain for unsubscribe links
└─details.freeze_accountarrayArray of JSON objects containing scheduled pauses in sending -date_from and date_to, ISO 8601 format
└─details.warmup_dataobjectEmail warm-up configuration
└─details.warmup_data.statusstringWarm-up status: RUNNING, PAUSED, DISABLED, BLOCKED
└─details.imap_idintegerReference to linked IMAP configuration. One IMAP can be assigned to multiple SMTPs