Mailbox connection batch status
Review the status of the submitted connection batch using the batch ID returned by rest/v2/mailboxes/manual_connection/bulk. This endpoint will provide an overview of the connection process and details about any potential issues.
x-api-key: {YOUR_API_KEY}
For details on how to authenticate your requests, please see the authentication guide.
Request sample
Retrieve batch summary
- cURL
- Java
- Node.js
curl --request GET \
--url "{batch_id}/summary" \
--header "x-api-key: {YOUR_API_KEY}"
HttpClient client = HttpClient.newHttpClient();
HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
.header("x-api-key", "YOUR_API_KEY")
HttpResponse<String> response = client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
System.out.println("Status code: " + response.statusCode());
System.out.println("Response body: " + response.body());
async function getBatchStatus() {
try {
const response = await fetch(
headers: {
"x-api-key": "YOUR_API_KEY",
const data = await response.json();
console.log("Status:", response.status);
console.log("Data:", data);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error.message);
Response examples
- 200
- 401
- 404
- 500
- Successful connection
- Connection in progress
An example response received when the processing has been finished and all mailboxes have been successfully connected.
"processing_finished": true,
"batch_size": 25,
"pending_mailboxes_count": 0,
"connected_mailboxes_count": 25,
"conditionally_connected_mailboxes_count": 0,
"failed_mailboxes_count": 0,
"conditionally_connected_mailboxes": [],
"failed_mailboxes": []
Body schema
Field | Type | Description |
processing_finished | boolean | Indicates if the batch processing is complete |
batch_size | integer | Total number of mailboxes submitted in the batch |
pending_mailboxes_count | integer | Number of mailboxes still being processed |
connected_mailboxes_count | integer | Number of successfully connected mailboxes |
conditionally_connected_mailboxes_count | integer | Number of mailboxes connected conditionally (not included in connected_mailboxes_count ) |
failed_mailboxes_count | integer | Number of mailboxes that failed to connect |
conditionally_connected_mailboxes | array | List of mailboxes connected conditionally |
failed_mailboxes | array | List of mailboxes that failed to connect |
This response indicates that the processing is still ongoing. Mailboxes that failed to connect are listed in their respective arrays.
"processing_finished": false,
"batch_size": 100,
"pending_mailboxes_count": 20,
"connected_mailboxes_count": 75,
"conditionally_connected_mailboxes_count": 1,
"failed_mailboxes_count": 4,
"conditionally_connected_mailboxes": [
"connection_request_id": 12345,
"smtp_email": "",
"smtp_login": "",
"imap_email": ""
"failed_mailboxes": [
"connection_request_id": 12346,
"smtp_email": "",
"smtp_login": "",
"imap_email": "",
"error_message": "SMTP account already connected"
"connection_request_id": 12347,
"smtp_email": "",
"smtp_login": "",
"imap_email": "",
"error_message": "Cannot connect to SMTP server"
"connection_request_id": 12348,
"smtp_email": "",
"smtp_login": "",
"imap_email": "",
"error_message": "Unknown SMTP error"
"connection_request_id": 12349,
"smtp_email": "",
"smtp_login": "",
"imap_email": "",
"error_message": "Unknown error"
Body schema
Field | Type | Description |
processing_finished | boolean | Indicates if the batch processing is complete |
batch_size | integer | Total number of mailboxes submitted in the batch |
pending_mailboxes_count | integer | Number of mailboxes still being processed |
connected_mailboxes_count | integer | Number of successfully connected mailboxes |
conditionally_connected_mailboxes_count | integer | Number of mailboxes connected conditionally (not included in connected_mailboxes_count ) |
failed_mailboxes_count | integer | Number of mailboxes that failed to connect |
conditionally_connected_mailboxes | array | List of conditionally connected mailboxes |
└─ connection_request_id | integer | Unique identifier of the connection request |
└─ smtp_email | string | SMTP email address of the conditionally connected mailbox |
└─ smtp_login | string | SMTP login of the conditionally connected mailbox |
└─ imap_email | string | IMAP email address of the conditionally connected mailbox |
failed_mailboxes | array | List of mailboxes that failed to connect |
└─ connection_request_id | integer | Unique identifier of the connection request |
└─ smtp_email | string | SMTP email address of the mailbox that couldn't connect |
└─ smtp_login | string | SMTP login of the mailbox that couldn't connect |
└─ imap_email | string | IMAP email address of the mailbox that couldn't connect |
└─ error_message | string | Connection error message. If possible, the response will indicate whether the issue is related to SMTP or IMAP connection |
An issue with authorization. Please review the authorization guide
"title": "Unauthorized",
"status": 401,
"detail": "Invalid api key",
"timestamp": "2025-03-05 17:57:00"
Body schema
Field | Type | Description |
title | string | A short title describing the error |
status | integer | The HTTP status code |
detail | string | A detailed message explaining the error |
timestamp | string | The timestamp when the error occurred, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS UTC |
Batch not found. Please review the batch ID.
"code": "BATCH_NOT_FOUND",
"details": null
Body schema
Field | Type | Description |
code | string | Error code BATCH_NOT_FOUND |
details | string/null | Additional information |
Unknown error, please try again later
"title": "Internal server error",
"status": 500,
"detail": "An unexpected error has occurred. Please try again later.",
"timestamp": "2025-03-05 17:57:00"
Body schema
Field | Type | Description |
title | string | A short title describing the error |
status | integer | The HTTP status code |
detail | string | A detailed message explaining the error |
timestamp | string | The timestamp when the error occurred, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS UTC |