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Mailbox connection batch status

Review the status of the submitted connection batch using the batch ID returned by rest/v2/mailboxes/manual_connection/bulk. This endpoint will provide an overview of the connection process and details about any potential issues.





x-api-key: {YOUR_API_KEY}

For details on how to authenticate your requests, please see the authentication guide.

Request sample

Retrieve batch summary

curl --request GET \
--url "{batch_id}/summary" \
--header "x-api-key: {YOUR_API_KEY}"


Response examples

An example response received when the processing has been finished and all mailboxes have been successfully connected.

"processing_finished": true,
"batch_size": 25,
"pending_mailboxes_count": 0,
"connected_mailboxes_count": 25,
"conditionally_connected_mailboxes_count": 0,
"failed_mailboxes_count": 0,
"conditionally_connected_mailboxes": [],
"failed_mailboxes": []

Body schema

processing_finishedbooleanIndicates if the batch processing is complete
batch_sizeintegerTotal number of mailboxes submitted in the batch
pending_mailboxes_countintegerNumber of mailboxes still being processed
connected_mailboxes_countintegerNumber of successfully connected mailboxes
conditionally_connected_mailboxes_countintegerNumber of mailboxes connected conditionally (not included in connected_mailboxes_count)
failed_mailboxes_countintegerNumber of mailboxes that failed to connect
conditionally_connected_mailboxesarrayList of mailboxes connected conditionally
failed_mailboxesarrayList of mailboxes that failed to connect