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Error codes

When interacting with our API, you may encounter error responses that follow standard HTTP status codes, providing meaningful feedback to help diagnose and resolve issues efficiently. While many errors use a default format, some endpoints return more specific messages or have slight variations in their response structure.

Each endpoint description includes a detailed description of its possible error responses in the Response section of its documentation. Below, you'll find an overview of default error codes, and their meanings.

Invalid request or malformed request syntax. Please review the request body

"title": "Bad request",
"status": 400,
"detail": "Value of {field_name} is incorrect." | "Value of {field_name} is required." | "Your request was not valid. Please check the body for any mistakes.",
"timestamp": "2025-03-05 17:57:00"

Body schema

titlestringA short title describing the error
statusintegerThe HTTP status code
detailstringA detailed message explaining the error
timestampstringThe timestamp when the error occurred, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS UTC