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All requests must be authenticated using an API key in the x-api-key header.

Generating an API key

To authenticate requests, you must first generate an API key. Click here to go to the API keys view, or follow the instructions below:

  1. Log into the Woodpecker account
  2. Go to the Marketplace in the top-right corner → Integrations → 'API keys'
  3. Click Create a key
  4. You can add a label to each created key to describe what integration it is being used for

API keys are user-specific, meaning each user only sees their own keys. Keep them private and do not share them with others.

Authenticating requests

The base URL is:

All requests need to be authenticated using an x-api-key header. Try the request below, making sure to replace YOUR_API_KEY with your actual key.

curl --request GET \
--url "" \
--header "x-api-key: {YOUR_API_KEY}"