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Get deliverability statistics

Retrieve quantitative data on your clients' campaign performance.

This endpoint provides key campaign metrics, including the total number of emails sent, delivered, opened, replied to, and bounced within a specified period. Additionally, it includes a comparison with the previous period of the same duration.

The returned numbers represent the total counts of specific actions for each client account. For example, emails_sent reflects the total number of emails sent across multiple steps in campaigns, not the number of unique prospects contacted. If a company has had no activity within the specified period, it will not be included in the response payload.

The data returned by the API represents the data available in the Agency Panel under the deliverability tab.





x-api-key: {YOUR_API_KEY}

For details on how to authenticate your requests, please see the authentication guide.


By default the API returns results for up to 20 companies, for the last 30 days. You can modify the date range and the quantity of returned companies by using the below parameters.

fromNothe start date (YYYY-MM-DD) for the report, based on the user's timezone
toNothe end date (YYYY-MM-DD) for the report, based on the user's timezone
pageNoRequested results page (1-based)
per_pageNoNumber of companies per page. Default: 20, maximum: 50

Request sample

Fetch deliverability data for the last 30 days

curl --request GET \
--url "" \
--header "x-api-key: {YOUR_API_KEY}"


Response examples

"content": [
"id": 123,
"name": "First client company",
"emails_sent": {
"current_period": 1016,
"previous_period": 462
"delivered_emails": {
"current_period": 998,
"previous_period": 438
"views": {
"current_period": 712,
"previous_period": 303
"replies": {
"current_period": 73,
"previous_period": 34
"bounces": {
"current_period": 18,
"previous_period": 24
"id": 456,
"name": "Second client company",
"emails_sent": {
"current_period": 1981,
"previous_period": 1199
"delivered_emails": {
"current_period": 1957,
"previous_period": 1187
"views": {
"current_period": 1063,
"previous_period": 717
"replies": {
"current_period": 113,
"previous_period": 64
"bounces": {
"current_period": 24,
"previous_period": 12
"pagination_data": {
"total_count": 22,
"pages_count": 2,
"current_page_number": 2,
"page_size": 20

Body schema

contentarray[object]List of client companies and their deliverability statistics
└─[].idIntegerUnique identifier for the client company
└─[].nameStringName of the client company
└─[].emails_sentObjectObject containing information about sent emails
    └─current_periodIntegerNumber of emails sent in the requested period
    └─previous_periodInteger/nullNumber of emails sent in the previous period
└─[].delivered_emailsObjectObject containing information about delivered emails
    └─current_periodIntegerNumber of emails delivered in the requested period
    └─previous_periodInteger/nullNumber of emails delivered in the previous period
└─[].viewsObjectObject containing information about opened emails
    └─current_periodIntegerNumber of email views in the requested period
    └─previous_periodInteger/nullNumber of email views in the previous period
└─[].repliesObjectObject containing information about replies
    └─current_periodIntegerNumber of replies in the requested period
    └─previous_periodInteger/nullNumber of replies in the previous period
└─[].bouncesObjectObject containing information about bounced emails
    └─current_periodIntegerNumber of email bounces in the requested period
    └─previous_periodInteger/nullNumber of email bounces in the previous period


The response body contains pagination details. It will support you in navigating through larger datasets.

Use the per_page parameter to reduce or increase the number of returned domains per page. Default value: 20, maximum value: 50. Use page parameter to view a specific page.

"pagination_data": {
"total_elements": 501,
"total_pages": 21,
"current_page_number": 3,
"page_size": 25
pagination_dataobjectPagination information
└─total_elementsintegerTotal number of returned companies
└─total_pagesintegerTotal number of available pages
└─current_page_numberintegerCurrent page number (1-based)
└─page_sizeintegerMaximum number of items per page